************************** Realhair Meshes- REMESHED * ************************** By Fionn (FINN) REALHAIR SERIES 720fa-800fa HEY...WE AIN'T RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY PROBLEMS. ******************************************************************************************** Directions: use Simshow.** place all .bmp's in your xx/Sims/Gamedata/Textures directory. place all .skn and .cmx in your xx/Sims/Gamedata/People 1 directory. Run Simshow. Any c001fa file will work nicely into any of these meshes. Experiment with the hairtexturing and style that works best for each mesh, and export it from Simshow to the Gamedata/Skins directory. **Note: Maxis' new program, Sims Character Editor, may be used. All files have been tested effective with this editor. However, the c001fa textures must be named to the desired mesh and imported into game before Character Editor can use them. Alternate method: rename any c001fa texture to the mesh desired. Unzip all meshes/textures in the the Gamedata/Skins folder. ******************************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************************** A very special thanks goes out to Aladrin Kelahn. Without his help and constant guidance, these meshes would have gone unmade. Wherever you are Al, you da man. Also thanks goes out to the good folks at Metacreations, who manufacture Poser, the program used to create many of the original .obj's for many of these meshes. And to the guest artists of various sites whose free hair models helped to provide inspiration (and some of the .obj) for these meshes. To the mesh artists that I have paid for use of the meshes as part of my stock collection, I salute you. Thanks to the authors of the 3d Max plugin "PolyChop" for chopping down these meshes to a reasonable size. A special thanks to Heather, Jerome, Dorien, Callisto, and Simbabe for their beta testing. And a further thanks to Heather for providing a forum for my work. And thanks to you for caring. WHEW! ******************************************************************************************** Meshes available at: http://www.simfreaks.com/skins/Fionn/index.shtml ******************************************************************************************** I've seen these meshes popping up all over the place. Great. Wanna use these meshes at your own site? Out of courtesy and penalty of being "drawn and quartered", please follow these simple guidelines: 1) provide credit to Fionn on site, and include this readme.txt in the zip. 2) provide a link to http:\\www.Simfreaks.com on your site. 3) contact me (Fionn) at barbaros@bellsouth.net and let me know about it. I'd love to see it!